PRO House Concert Agreement
In 2009, FAI reached an agreement with ASCAP and BMI to ensure that Folk Alliance member House Concert Presenters are not subject to any PRO fees. There is NO additional fee or change in membership status to qualify for this member service, but you must be a current member to qualify for this program.
How to qualify for FAI House Concert member service (as a House Concert Presenter)
1. Be a member in good standing in Folk Alliance International
2. Complete, sign & return a form agreeing to abide by the established rules for official house concerts *see rules below, form available September 1, 2009
Post the dated “Official FAI House Concert” logo on their House Concert website, Social Media page, and mailings. Forms and logo will be updated annually. No FAI member is required to participate in this program. Participation is voluntary.
By signing up for this program, you will assure that as long as you are presenting music in compliance with House Concert established rules; you will not be subject to PRO payments for your House Concerts. By displaying the official FAI House Concert logo, the PRO’s will know you are official. At that point, if they have questions, they will contact the FAI office.
House Concert Rules and Regulations
1. Performance is in a private home
2. Performance is by invitation only*
*the intent of the “invitation only” regulation is that a person cannot just come without some connection to the presenter or artist (i..e. a “wide circle of family and friends”) The details of that compliance might include but not be limited to 1) not publicly displaying your address 2) “by invitation only” or “call for invitation” on all information accessible to the public (i.e. website, flyers)
Currently, FAI is exploring a potential second phase of this agreement to address the needs of small venues and non-profit presenters working in community buildings, schools, and churches. We are also working consulting festival members on their needs and concerns regarding PRO fees. Any discussion and negotiation with the PROs will take considerable time, just as the initial House Concert agreement did.