Travel Tips

Preparing for air travel with instruments is risky, delicate, and often frustrating. As you prepare to travel, decisions you make along the way will lead you to a solution that’s right for your needs and resources. Airplane cargo holds are notoriously dangerous places for instruments.

Folk Alliance International created a tip sheet to print and have handy in your instrument case which has suggestions for traveling with an instrument and new DOT/FAA language regarding federal laws on US air travel with instruments effective March 6, 2015.

This is a longer file that provides tips for travel and an overview of various travel cases with recommendations. A condensed 2-page version is available here.

Produced by the AFM in collaboration with members of the National Musical Instrument Carry-On Coalition (of which FAI is a sitting member), this document is an additional resource to be read, printed and carried with you on your travels with instruments.