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FAI 2025 Regular Registration Open Now
registerIndividuals interested in running for one of the open seats must submit a form that outlines their interest, qualifications, bio and short platform found online here. You may also suggest candidates by completing this form.
The Nominating Committee will announce a slate of candidates and this slate will be distributed by email or other common carrier to members and also posted on the Folk Alliance International website.
The Nominating Committee is tasked with putting together a slate that corresponds to a needed mix of skills, experiences and diversity. Therefore, not every person who expresses interest in running for a seat on the Board may be placed on the slate.
All petitions (email or other) for write in candidates must be received at the FAI offices by this date. The self nomination procedure to be placed on the final slate requires support of 10 members in good standing. This support can come in the form of an email or letter sent to the FAI offices. Write in candidates must also submit the same biographical info and platform statement to the Nominating Committee.
Members requesting a paper ballot (as opposed to electronic) must request this BY NOVEMBER 1st. Please place your requests by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.
Information about each member of the final slate (Nominating Committee selected and candidates by petition) will be placed on the Folk Alliance International website. The official ballot will be distributed to all voting members of Folk Alliance International by electronic means on this date and also sent out by other carrier to members who have made prior requests. Notice of any proposal to alter, amend, or repeal these Bylaws must also be provided by this time and by the same means.
Only votes cast by 11:59 PM Central Time on this date will be counted. Write-ins are permitted. Each voting member may vote for no more than the number of (“n”) Directorships open, normally five (5), times the number of votes that voter receives. All votes are checked for eligibility. The top “n” vote-getters are elected Directors.